Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week 18

 So sorry I'm behind on blogging : ) It's all because of the great news we have found out that we're having a boy! His name will be Isaac Wayne Robinson.  Matt found the name the Sunday morning before we found out what we were having.  Isaac means-"he laughs" because of Abraham and Sarah laughing when God told them they would be blessed with a child at such an old age. When he showed me Isaac we just knew that's what we felt God wanted to name him.  This is what we're praying for little Isaac this week:
Our baby's legs are strengthening this week, Lord. His legs are getting  harder and longer. I marvel at how you make things grow. As I think of baby legs, I think of little ones learning to stand and then taking a step  and then walking.  And once they can walk there's no stopping them. God, I want our child's legs to be physically fit and strong.  But more important, I want him to use his legs to follow you. I want him to physically walk with you all of his days-in his actions, the places he goes, the things she does.  But also spiritually-making choices that honor you, seeking to please you always.  I know it isn't always easy walking down that  " narrow road." The pressure to conform will be high.  Will you help me build up spiritual muscle in my child, so that walking with you is something he desires and is able to do?

We're almost half way there!  I can't believe it!  We can't wait for little Isaac to arrive!  Matthew is super excited too and talks to him every day.  Now the fun begins of planning for him and his nursery! Dr. Seuss is what we have decided on for his nursery.  Matthew has already got to laying plans out and drawing up some sketches :) Thanks for all the prayers and support we love you all dearly!

In Him,

Matthew, Sarah, Isaac, and of course Mac : )