Thursday, August 25, 2011

Isaac being used by God

So I am on a roll! Two blogs in two days. I really wanted to get this one up because it's just another amazing story of God using Isaac to touch someone else's life. This weekend was a complete whirl wind of emotions. Friday morning we found out that Matt's Grandpa Robinson passed away to be with His heavenly Father. Praise God he is no longer suffering and in any pain! He was one of the most devoted ministers I have ever met and made sure that everyone he came in contact with knew Jesus the one he preached 63 years about! What a life and legacy! More on that in another blog :).....

That same day we found out Mac had fleas...which meant major cleaning and fogging the house. So Saturday we evacuate the house to Nana's while we waited for the defogging of the fleas!  Nana as soon as we hit the doors...let's go to Jonesboro to Hobby Lobby in Wal-Mart. -Being the mother I am I hesitated because I knew Isaac would have to be in the car quite a bit over the next two days for Grandpa Robinson's funeral but who can say no to Nana right?  So we headed to hobby lobby first oh how I could stay in there for hours!  We got a few things to start Isaac's scrapbooking and I find the first available checker or should I say God picked her for us. : )

Now we get up there and immediately she looks at Isaac and says how old is he?  I begin the process of explaining  he is 6 months old..we get this question every time we check out I do believe. But then she's asks a not so normal question. What day was he born on?  I said January 31st.  She said, My baby boy is the same age. He was born on January 30th. Of course I thought oh cool how neat...that thought changed after her next statement.  She then proceeds to tell me her baby was  a still born. She carried her baby the full nine months only to lose him. My heart sank. She said that he had wrapped the cord around him. She said that this was her first day back at work and that she had been wondering what her little boy would look like about now and that seeing Isaac helped make her day a little bit better.  I proceeded to ask her name which is Heidi by the way. I told her that Isaac and I would be sure to keep her in our prayers. She said be sure to hug and kiss that baby everyday, and then she said this which was even more amazing. I know that my baby in heaven is being held and loved more than I could ever.

All that in one moment. Just a check out. Now I did not even make it out the door before crying my eyes out.  My mind began racing with thoughts.  I can't imagine and then I think that was almost Isaac. If only God hadn't intervened and made it to where my appointment was changed to Monday instead of Friday...that would have been Isaac. Then of course the Why question. Why God did you not spare that baby. What plan do you have for Isaac that you saved him. Then God tells me...Isaac is going to let others see that I can still do miracles, that I am the One who can give hope, peace and love to those who need it.   This is not the first time he's used Isaac like this every time I am just more amazed and yes scared.  I think as Isaac's parents we have the responsibility of allowing God to use him and teaching Isaac to let God use him in whatever ways He wants. The decisions we make for him have huge effects. What if I would have been lazy and not went...Heidi would have never felt the peace she may have needed.

I say that to say this...(step on soap box) parents we are there to make those decisions for them right now until they are old enough when their 18 : ) Example: because i've seen this hundred's of times. Parent to child-"do you want to go to church today?" What kind of question is that? YOU are the Parent! Of course they are going to say no so they can stay at home sleep in, watch t.v., go to their softball/baseball/basketball/football whatever practice or game.  If we don't take a stand and make the decisions that are Godly decisions for our children how do we expect them to just grow up doing things for Christ if just expect them to figure it out on their own? We must pour as much of Jesus in them as possible!

So yes I know that's alot but it's been heavy on my heart the more I replay her story and seeing our duty as parents to be the best Godly parents we know to be. One's that show our children how greatly you can be blessed if you just let God use you and listen to Him. This mother thing is so great, exciting, nerve racking, and very scary. I'm doing the best I can but I must do better in allowing God to use us as a family. I don't want Isaac to ever doubt our love for God.  So, just a bunch of random things going on in my head that I needed to put out somewhere else. I pray for Heidi today God that you would give her a love and peace only you can give.

Sarah and Isaac

six weeks old
six months old

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

6 months update

So here's our update for those of  you who would like more than a picture posted on facebook :) Haha we rarely get the laptop out these days unless it is to pay bills which to me I would much more prefer talking about Isaac Wayne than paying bills. So here's a little info on what our little man is up to these days:

He usually wakes up about 6:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m. (which is so marvelous!) P.s. always with a big grin on his face-even better :)
He then awaits patiently for his breakfast which now includes cereal, jar of fruit, and then 5-6 ounces of mommy milk.  By now he usually goes back to sleep for another 30 minutes or so. We get out of our jammies and play play play. He loves to stand up in his jumperoo and watch his one episode of yo gabba gabba for the day...he loves that show literally will watch the whole episode! Sometimes we go for a walk when it's not too hot outside. Then we eat lunch around 11:30 or 12:00 same as breakfast except we put in a vegetable. Then we play a little longer then take an hour nap...then if we're lucky we see daddy at 3:30 P.m.! If not we patiently await for daddy and have a little snack ( bottle) around 5:00 p.m. we play with daddy then get ready for bed around 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m. eat then go to bed. That's the summary of the day for Isaac, Mac and I!  

He is now 15 pounds or more! He's over 25 inches long! His hair seems to grow everyday! he's got more hair than Matt now I think :) He can now sit up on his own! Yay! He loves to stand up with us helping him.  He still laughs out loud, and gives you the biggest grins! He has great hand eye coordination. His new favorite thing...putting both hands on my face and pulling me in to give me a hug and big kiss....well I like to think it's a kiss really it's just him trying to bite :)  

Everything gets put in the mouth for taste testing...especially our feet!  He also can roll over both ways just like it's nothing now :)  We have tried all of our vegetables and fruits! He loved them all and only had a reaction to the applesauce. He has definitely recognized Mac now and he loves him...he gets so tickled at him running around. He loves anything water...bath time, his pool time, or swimming at Uncle A's and Annie's new pool!

He really is doing great. It's absolutely amazing to watch him feels like he does it every minute right in front of me. He's getting so big so quickly!  He may be a preemie but looking at him today you would never be able to tell by all the things he can do. He really would only be 5 1/2 months old about now according to his due date. I will have to post another blog just to tell you how God reminds us of the amazing miracle He performed in Isaac and the ways He has already used him!  God is just so gracious to us....we can never thank Him enough for all the ways He has blessed us these past wonderful 6 months. Their have definitely been some bumps along the way but those are nothing compared to what others have faced. 


Matthew, Sarah, Isaac and Mac

P.s.. I couldn't post without pictures!!!

Hilarious right? This is breakfast time!

My first time swimming in Uncle and Annies pool with Aidan!

My first pair of tennis shoes! They tasted good!

Glad to be outside!

Sitting up all by myself!

Hanging out with mommy!